A Matter of Balance Program
Many older adults experience concerns about falling & restrict their activities. Falls are preventable! A MATTER OF BALANCE program is a FREE Evidence Based Program for 60+ designed to reduce falls & increase activity levels. The program consists of 2 hour classes, twice a week (Mondays & Wednesdays) for 4 weeks.
All participants must attend the first session on August 7th and be willing to attend the next 6 - 7 classes. Workbooks will be provided. This program explores the concerns & causes of falls and provides practical strategies on how to prevent falls. In the third class, we will have 45 minutes of light chair assisted exercises to increase balance & reduce falls.

• view falls as controllable
• set goals for increasing activity
• make changes to reduce fall risks at home
• exercise to increase strength
and balance
• anyone concerned about falls
• anyone interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength
• anyone who has fallen in the past
• anyone who has restricted activities because of falling concerns
REGISTER NOW! Our February class is completely full! We are working on coordinating a class for March-April 2023. For more information and to register for our next class, please email: chernandez@elfr.org or call 727-784-8668 X204