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Public Records Requests

Public records requests can be made in person, by email or regular mail, by telephone or fax.

Per Florida Statute 119.07

  • All documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, data
  • processing software or other materials
  • Regardless of physical form, characteristics, or means of transmission
  • Made or received in accordance with law or in connection with the official business of an agency

How to Make a Public Records Request

In Person: (Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm, closed holidays):
East Lake Tarpon Special Fire Control District
Station 57 – Front Office
3375 Tarpon Lake Blvd.
Palm Harbor, Florida 3468577

By email:

By Regular Mail:
East Lake Tarpon Special Fire Control District
Attn: Katy Cunningham
Station 57 – Front Office
3375 Tarpon Lake Blvd.
Palm Harbor, Florida 34685

By Telephone: 727-784-8668 ext 201
By Fax: 727-474-5830

NOTE: A public records request does NOT have to be in writing and may be ANONYMOUS.

Requests and Fulfillment

Public records held by the East Lake Tarpon Special Fire Control District are available upon request for inspection or copying pursuant to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and Article I, s. 24 of the State Constitution.

Some public records are already provided for the public on the district’s website at and are immediately available for viewing and downloading.

Other records are not as readily available and will have to be located, reviewed for information exempt from disclosure, and redacted if necessary. The time to fulfill a public records request will vary depending upon the particular records requested and the volume of the request. Our Records Custodian, Katy Cunningham, is committed to fulfilling your request as quickly and efficiently as is reasonably possible.


Fee Structure: The fee structure is prescribed by Section 119.07(4), Florida Statutes and is summarized below.

     Paper size 8 ½” x 11”, 8 ½” x 14” and 11” x 17”

     Black and white or color single sided duplication          $0.15 per page

     Black and white or color double sided duplication        $0.20 per page

     Certified Copy/Certified Document      $1.00 per certification

          Misc. Mediums

          Compact Disc  Actual Cost of Duplication

          USB Flash/Thumb Drive    $2.50 Actual Purchase Cost of USB Device

If the public records request takes 15 minutes or longer, there will be a charge of employee's time at lowest rate able to handle research & preparation in addition to the above charges.


          Other Mediums: All other sizes of paper or other necessary materials used to fulfill a request, shall be charged at a rate equal to the actual cost to the District. These items include, but are not limited to photographs, maps, audio tapes, and aerial photographs.

           Digital Storage: To protect the security of its systems, the District shall not permit the transmittal of records on a disc or other electronic device that must be connected to its systems, unless that disc or device is procured and provided by the East Lake Tarpon Special Fire Control District at the actual purchase cost, or unless the requestor provides a disc or other electronic device in its original, unopened packaging

Delivery Fees:

On-site pick-up cost: There shall be no charge for records picked up by the requestor at the location of the office or department where the records are kept.

Electronic delivery cost: There shall be no charge for requests sent by email.

Facsimile delivery cost: The actual cost to the District shall be charged to the requestor for requests sent by fax.

Mail or delivery service cost: The actual cost of mailing or shipping the materials by the District shall be charged to the requestor.


The East Lake Tarpon Special Fire Control District accepts checks, money orders, cashier checks, or cash as payment for fees associated with a request to inspect or copy public records. All payments shall be processed through the Financial Administrator.


For further information, please contact:

Office Administrator/Records Custodian
Katy Cunningham
East Lake Tarpon Special Fire Control District
Phone: 727-784-8668 ext. 201       Fax: 727-474-5830