East Lake Fire Rescue 8th Annual *VIRTUAL* 5K Run/Walk
Have you registered for our 5K Run/Walk yet? Medals and goodie bags will only be guaranteed to the first 150 people who register. Register by 9/22/21 to get an event t-shirt.
Our drive-thru packet pick up will take place at Station 57 on 10/16/21 from 8am to 10am. We will also be collecting food for Oldsmar Cares, so grab a few cans or any non-perishable food items and bring them with you when you come by!
You can run/walk this event anytime between October 9th to October 23rd! Once you have completed your 5K, don’t forget to submit your results.
Here's how to post your results on EnMotive:
- Click Submit My Results below.To record your results, you'll need to login to your EnMotive account using the email address you used at registration. Forgot your password? visit: https://enmotive.com/users/passwordIf you registered on imATHLETE an account was created for you using your registration email address, please reset your account password to get logged in and record your results, visit https://enmotive.com/users/password to reset your password.
- While you’re there, upload your virtual run/walk selfies and group photos! You can also save them to your device and share them with your friends and family.
- You can also download your custom Finisher Certificate from your results page!
To submit your results, visit: https://eastlakefirerescue.enmotive.com/registrations/logresult/595598fa-6d55-43a4-b150-53e2f27cb3a6
This year we have decided to dedicate our event to Deputy Michael Magli and will be donating a portion of the event’s proceeds to his family. Born in Ozone Park, New York, Deputy Michael Magli came to the Tampa Bay area in 1994. Initially hired as a part-time Criminal Justice Specialist, Deputy Magli transferred to a deputy recruit position and was assigned to the Patrol Operations Bureau in 2014. He served eight years with the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office. On Wednesday February 17, 2021, Deputy Magli lost his life in the line of duty. He leaves behind his wife, Stephanie, and two young daughters. His name will be added to memorials for Pinellas County Law Enforcement and the Florida Sheriffs Association.
Here is a preview of our 2021 medal! Medals will only be guaranteed for the first 300 to register, so don't wait- register today!! http://imathlete.com/events/5k2021

To register, visit: http://imathlete.com/events/5k2021