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Safe Haven

Safe Haven Image

Florida’s Safe Baby Law allows mothers and/or fathers, or whoever is in possession of an unharmed newborn approximately 7 days old or less, to leave them in the “arms” of an employee at any Hospital or staffed 24/7 Fire Rescue Station, or Emergency Medical Station. No questions asked, totally anonymous, free from fear of prosecution.

Helpline 1-877-767-BABY Get the help and support you need as soon as you learn you are pregnant. Don’t wait until a crisis begins. Call the confidential and multi-lingual helpline 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Details are available at

All calls are confidential and everyone is helped.

We are never, ever judgmental. It takes enormous compassion and a great deal of courage to seek help vs. the tragic alternative of abandonment, often resulting in an innocent newborns death.

Without the “Safe Haven” program, activities and our 24/7 multilingual referral helpline, many if not most, of the hundreds of precious newborns saved to date from the dangers of abandonment would not be here today. They are in loving homes with their adoptive parents reaching for the world, maybe the President of the United States, a Supreme Court Justice, a Scientist finding a cure for cancer or most important, a great mom or dad to their children.

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